Business System Integrated PDF Document
by calling E-sign API

  • Buy E-sign API, business system docking API for PDF document digital signature
  • No need to upload the file to be signed, just post the HASH to protect document security
  • Digitally sign PDF documents with Adobe trusted document signing certificate
  • If you do not know PDF signature programming, you can buy the e-Signing Agent system

Buy now US$343.00

Does your organization digitally sign the official announcements, notifications which are published to the public? If no, then the published documents will be easily to be impersonated! This is the reason why the cases of counterfeit documents were happened frequently! Not only that, this also can damage your reputation and breach the related laws and regulations!

Currently, major e-contract service providers require you to upload your original contract to the signature platform. Have you hesitated?

Do you want the original contract with confidential information to be disclosed to a third party?

Are you assured of giving these business secrets to a third-party?

Maybe you are aware of this hidden risk, but you have no choice but to bear all the possible risks!

How to do it?

You can buy API Edition, program to call E-sign API by yourself, to let the business management system realize batch digital signature of PDF files automatically including electronic contracts.

No need to upload the PDF file to be signed, just post the HASH to protect document security and privacy.

No need to upload to any signature verification system for additional validation of the signature, Adobe Reader validate it automatically, to completely protect your business secret!

All PDF documents are digitally signed by Adobe trusted PDF Signing Certificate with global legal effect!

If you want to quickly deploy e-signature services and don't have time to study PDF signature technology, you can purchase the e-Signing Agent system without programming by yourself, and quickly implement the docking E-sign API to achieve batch document signing and contract signing.

Buy API Edition Now, US$343.00, Unconditional 100% refund in 7 days guaranteed.

Learn more about how to call E-sign API service,Or Contact us, to buy and deploy e-Signing Agent system.

Learn more about e-Signing Agent system.

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