Digitally Sign PDF Documents using MeSign App

  • Without uploading the document to a third-party e-signature platform
  • Download and install MeSign App, buy E-sign Service Plus Edition
  • Local computer digital signature and encryption of PDF documents
  • Sign PDF documents with Adobe trusted PDF Signing Certificate

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Does your organization digitally sign the official announcements, notifications which are published to the public? If no, then the published documents will be easily to be impersonated! This is the reason why the cases of counterfeit documents were happened frequently! Not only that, this also can damage your reputation and breach the related laws and regulations! Do you want to digitally sign your e-contract and e-agreement in your own computer that no need to rely on any third-party e-signature platform? Maybe, you only have a small number of documents or contracts need to be signed, it may not be essential to invest an e-signature system on your premises! But if you plan to use the e-signature platform to sign the document, the problem is you need to upload the to-be-signed document to the platform that may leak the document before publishing.

Good news, with MeSign App, your PDF documents can be digitally signed in your computer, but no need to buy PDF Signing Certificate!

There is no need to upload your original PDF documents to any third party, to protect the security of the confidential information completely!

Annually fixed fee: US$569.00 /year, with unlimited number of documents signing and contract signing.

Buy it now Unconditional 100% refund in 7 days guaranteed.

Learn more about how to use MeSign App to digitally sign and encrypt PDF documents.

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