Home>MeSign Service Editions Introduction
MeSign Service Editions Introduction
1. Email encryption and digital signature services
Email encryption and digital signature services provide users with 2 different edition services: Basic Edition, Pro Edition and Vp Email Certificate. At the same time, it is divided into personal service and business service according to the different user types. There are free
services and charged service. The specific differences are:
- (1) Basic Edition:
Provide users with basic-level email encryption and digital signature services. It is completely free forever and automatically configures the MeSign trusted V1 signing certificate and encrypting certificate that only contents email address.
- (2) Pro Edition:
The user’s identity validation service and Vp Email Certificate are added to the Basic Edition. After the validation is completed, the MeSign trusted V2/V3/V4 signing certificate containing the user’s identity information are automatically
configured for free. The Business Pro Editon price includes unlimited V3 Signing Certificate, 10 public trusted Vp Email Certificate and 10 Employee Identity Validaiton service.
- (3) Vp Email Certificate:
Anyone can buy one or more publicly trusted Vp Email Certificates, it can be used in all email client. MeSign App will set this certificate as default email certifcate, other email client will display “The digital signature is trusted”

2. Document e-signature and encryption services
Document e-signature and encryption services provide users with two different service editions: Basic Edition, Professional Edition. At the same time, they are divided into personal service and business service according to different user types. The specific differences are:
- (1) Basic Edition:
Only provide users with Adobe's global trusted PDF signing certificate with USB Token for digital signature. Document digital signature service is not included. Users can use the digital signature function provided by Adobe Reader to use this certificate digitally sign PDF documents.
- (2) Professional Edition:
Provide users with Contract E-signature Services. User can use MeSign App to initiate contract signing, sign process control and management, and sign contracts. And provide users and contract signers with Adobe global trusted PDF signing certificate, this certificate is stored securely in MeSign Key Management System in the cloud for users to call on demand. There is no limit to the number of initiating contracts signing and signing contracts including the free timestamping service.
Provide users with Document D-signature Service is added. Users can use MeSign App to digitally sign PDF documents locally using Adobe trusted PDF signing certificate, provide single document signing and encryption services, and multi-party co-signing service. The number of digital signatures for PDF documents is unlimited including the free timestamping service.